
Pastors, Deacons, & Staff

Kevin Leary

Lead Pastor
Kevin grew up in Marilla, New York, and was part of the First Baptist Church of Marilla during his
childhood days.  He had the opportunity to serve as associate pastor there for nearly 9 years after
graduating from Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, PA in May of 1993.  He then finished his master's
degree online in Biblical studies through Piedmont Graduate School.  The Lord was kind to allow him to
minister as pastor at First Baptist Church of Hamburg, NY, for 22 years, until January 2024.  At that time,
God provided him the opportunity to serve as pastor back at FBC Marilla.  He is thankful for the privilege
he has had to serve Christ's Church in these local assemblies, desiring to make faithful disciples for God's
glory and honor.
Kevin enjoys being out in God's creation hiking or canoeing, reading a good book, playing a board game,
or participating in a sport.  He has a passion for teaching, preaching, and memorizing God’s Word, for
discipling men, and for family discipleship.
Kevin has been happily married to Juliana since May 1996. Together, they have been blessed with 10
children over twenty years, beginning in 1997. As a family, they've enjoyed hiking, homeschooling,
hobby farming, hosting gatherings, serving in the Church, singing, playing games, and being together.
They now thank God for the growing good gift and heritage of grandchildren.

Daniel Gossel

Deacon Trustee

Randy Bell

Deacon Trustee

Chris Tait

James Miller

Deacon Trustee

Tim Rapp


Brad Baer


Jon O'Connor


Leah Leary

Church Secretary